A Call to Grace
Some notes on the 2024 presidential election —
We all know this election has been unique for a variety of reasons. Some of us are okay with the results, even relieved, and some of us are bitterly disappointed, even terrified of what this means for the future of our country.
If this election has proven anything, it’s the nefarious nature of the corporate media, and the difficulty most people have in researching and thinking for themselves. We are seeing the amalgamation of nearly a decades’ worth of false news, overblown buzz words, and deliberate psychological manipulation of the American people come to fruition. Not only has this created a legitimate mental health crisis for half the nation, it deepens the divisions that keep we the people against each other, rather than against an egregious governing body which steals our money for endless wars around the globe for its own personal and political gain.
This election was not about politics. It was about differing narratives of reality, and varied priorities.
Trump did not win because over half the country is sexist, racist, or homophobic.
Harris did not lose because she is a woman of color.
Trump won because he formed a team of people who use their platforms and voices to speak to the truth. Trump won because Americans are sick and tired of endless wars, poison in our food and water, and irreverent domestic policies that have left many Americans hungry and homeless.
Harris lost because she gaslit the American people about the health of Biden, insisting even after her bloodless coup that he is perfectly fit for the role of the presidency. Harris lost because she refused to do any unscripted or unedited interviews for months after she became the candidate. Harris lost because the democrats insisted she was the answer to saving democracy, even though there were, ironically, no primaries and no votes that allotted her the candidacy. Harris lost because her campaign began running on a censorship platform, insisting that free speech, the cornerstone of a well-functioning democracy, is not an inherent right. Harris lost because warmongers like the Cheneys and the Clintons endorsed her, rendering the DNC’s calls for peace a total farce. Harris lost because she could barely form comprehensible answers to any question that was ever asked.
Trump won because Americans are starting to wake up to the legitimacy of the deep state. Trump won because he has a plan to clean up and reduce the federal government which is very long over due. Trump won because he is not a legacy politician, and more people than not are willing to put their eggs in his basket with the understanding that he holds a higher probability of success in terms of resetting our government to actually serve the people of this country.
Harris lost because she was their puppet, and nothing — NOTHING — would move the world closer to peace under her leadership. It may have placated a portion of American citizens, but it would’ve been disastrous for many people around the world — and the future of this repulic.
Now, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have reasons to be wary, and to pay close to attention to how this administration plays out. There’s already talk about some neocons coming back to Trump’s team, like Mike Pompeo (who is a really nasty guy), but by the grace of all that is good and true, and through the other seemingly level headed people he’s surrounded himself with thus far, he will make better choices. (Update: he has officially said that Pompeo and Haley will not come back to his team, but there are currently rumors circulating from sources like the NYT about other neocon prospects; we must be diligent and wait for official information before losing our minds, otherwise we continue to feed them the power they thrive on.)
We need someone who is going to stand up to the warmongers, who is going to uproot the deep state and set our republic straight, and who is going to put the people of this country first.
All evidence considered, this president elect may be the best chance we have for that.
Unfortunately, the media has convinced people that he is a fascist, a dictator, someone who is going to get rid of the rights of anyone who isn’t a white cisgender male. As emotional creatures, people take this stuff and run with it, even when presented with factual evidence to the contrary. In this election, people decided they cared more about things like reproductive rights than almost anything else, despite that the world stands on a knife’s edge between peace and World War III.
Here’s the thing: it is the markings of a very privileged society to care so much more about issues like abortion than it is to care about war and peace around the globe.
I care about women’s rights and their choices over their bodies, but I candidly care a hell of a lot more about stopping the tyranny of the military industrial complex and intelligence apparatus that is plunging this world into darkness.
I think the most important thing we all need to consider at this moment is how to come back together as a nation. This means that we all need to be honest with ourselves and with each other. We need to look at the facts, view things from other perspectives, have conversations with people, and, above all, stop listening to the corporate media outlets. They are poisoning the minds and psyches of the American people, literally contriving fake realities for half the country to live in, in turn dissolving our ability to find and hold on to truth.
This is a very dangerous state of affairs, my friends.
No mater what your political position is or how you’ve received this election result, you need to ask yourself: why and how did it happen this way? And then you need to be really, really honest about the conclusions you come to.
The USA is not a perfect country. Actually, we are the direct cause for much of the world’s grief today, and it is entirely because of the shadow government running this country behind the curtains. I do not blame people for not understanding this; it is by very careful design that you don’t.
But people have been blowing the whistle on this stuff for decades, and dying because of it. They do it knowing the potential consequences, because they understand the evil that exists in this world, and they understand that the good which goes up against it is worth fighting and even dying for.
In the days and weeks ahead, I sincerely encourage everyone from all sides of the aisle to engage in diplomatic dialogue. Listen to the podcasts that make you uncomfortable. Get on X and see what people are saying. Try to understand. Engage in conversations with people who voted differently than you. Be willing to change your mind, or at least be willing to put yourself in positions where you could.
This is so much bigger than us, and our own country. This is about the world, and the state of international affairs. This is about securing the foundation and processes of a healthy democracy, and abolishing the tyranny that presently exists within our government.
Admittedly, the grace of the losing side is very suspicious, and I think everyone needs to maintain a vigilant awareness, because I have a feeling some funny things are going to happen before Inauguration Day.
I know things are scary and uncertain. I know this is hard. I know there are things at play which are incredibly difficult to understand.
This is a bottom up process. We need to focus on ourselves and each other, and let this government play out in our favor. Please don’t cut your family and friends out. This does not make you the bigger or better person. In fact, this speaks volumes about your character, not theirs.
Seek to understand.
Have compassion, extend forgiveness, find peace.
In four years, there will be another chance to vote differently, and it is my deepest wish that when that time comes, we will be fighting each other over who is the better candidate rather than the worse one.
If things go well, this could very well happen.
Be well, my friends, and do not give up hope.
There is always hope.